A Word From Jesus Christ Our God

What your dreams and visions mean, From God Himself, No Joke

Something that i would like to share with you today is actually something that i have kept to myself for a long time. And that is to determine the way God could be speaking to you like He has been speaking to me. It is actually very simple and not complicated at all.

Sometimes we have dreams, sometimes we will just sit and day dream, and sometimes we will have situations in our life or simply just get a strange vision about something unusual out of the blue.

Well to tell you the truth, dreaming and getting visions is actually very special, because God says in the Bible that He speaks to us through dreams and visions. But sometimes we don't understand what the dream or vision is about, and we need an answer from God to understand the dreams and visions.

So we need revelation from God. So how do we get revelation on a Word from God.
Firstly, we should think about the dream, vision and determine the key words or subject words that describe the dream or vision in the best way. For example, Mountain, Fear, Love or gift etc

Now, to back up what I'm about to say, i will show you where it is written in the Word of God.
John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.(The Word is still God by the way)
So if we need an answer from God, He can speak to us through His Word, and God can speak His word through many avenues and resources. For example through another person, by self reading The Bible out Loud etc.
If we hear anything that is written in the Bible, Then we are actually Hearing God, And Jesus Christ speaking and saying what we are hearing. I hope that makes sense.
Let me put it in another way, just in case.....
If i read a letter my Father sent me, who is talking to me? Its my Father, right. Great!!!

If i had a vision, and this vision has got to do with a "mountain", and "lions" and "fear", how will i find out what God has to say about those specific words.

I use the Bible, and i search for all the verses that speak about that specific word, and read it like a message. Because God says that His Word is a double edged sword, it is the Truth, and it is Light, And it is Life.

One of the easiest ways to do this kind of search for answers is by using a free tool called E-Sword. It is a great tool, and has made life much easier for me when i searched for answers in the past and it still helps me today. You can Download E-Sword for FREE Here

After you have downloaded the software for free, and installed it, you can open it, and look for a binoculars icon at the top toolbar, click on it, and then put any word into the search bar.
The Bible software will then search for all the verses in the Bible that contains the word in it that you need God to Speak to you about. At the same time your faith will grow.

Put all these words from God Together, in context, and the message will be clear to you from God.
Dreams + Keywords + Word Of God =Revelation

Remember, God can also speak to people in a actual voice. It sounds like it comes from all over, and it is a very strong voice, do not be afraid. God is a God of Love. Seek God, and you shall Find God, through His Word.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


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