So lies are out of fear, and that kind of fear is from Satan

Lies are told out of the fear of punishment

So if a person lies, why do they lie? Well there is a simple answer to that. 
Lies are told out of the fear of punishment. It is simply a way to protect one from condemnation.So lies are out of fear, and that kind of fear is from Satan.
God therefore says that the truth shall set us free.So ask yourself, if the truth sets me free, what does lies do? Simple, it puts you into bondage!

But what people sometimes don't know or forget, is that, when they lie, people can actually pick it up sub consciously through body language, and then the spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit that is, will always warn the children of God about any lies or lairs. And that is why God says that it is better to go and stand on the roof top and scream out the truth for all to hear. Because lies, are not a secret.
It simply puts you in a group that is associated with the enemies of God Almighty, because a true Christian will not lie.In Fact, they are afraid of lies! It is automatic.

So if a person lies, why do they lie? It is because they are actually afraid of men! And God says that the fear of men will prove to be a snare.God does not want us to be afraid. If we are afraid of men, we simply don't have faith that God can protect us. And if we don't have faith, then we are not hearing the truth, The WORD OF God. Faith comes by hearing the Word Of God, remember that!! Let me give you an example of what causes people to fall into fear snares. Horrors are actually from the Egyptian God Hores, It is a way to plant seed of fear into a person. Watch it enough, and it will let you have nightmares, it will make you expect all kinds of bad things, ultimately it would make you expect death. Why, be cause faith comes by hearing, and that goes for good and bad things. Don't wonder why your children are afraid of the dark, because now you know.

One thing that i have learned, and that i would like you to know, is that, when you feel fear, know that satan is near. Like a child that is scared of the dark. I can assure you that it is an evil spirit bothering that child.
Swithch the light on for them, and they sleep comfortable. Evil spirits are afraid of the light. And then leaves the child alone when the light is switched on. Children are actually more intelligent then some grown up people sometimes.

To get back to the point!
Jesus Christ says that satan is the father of lies. And when a person relies on lies to protect him or her, then they are actually relying on satan. Not good. If you have faith in God almighty, then you will not be afraid of men, and then you will only speak the truth. And because you know that doing the wrong things might have bad consequences, will automatically stop doing it.

For you that are reading this, i hope this shines some light into your life. And im sure that it should answer alot of questions in your life.

To end this blog post, i would like you to realize, that God loves us. His word is not there to Condemn us, but rather to protect us against harm. God gave man the free choice, to choose between life and death, and His advice to us, is to choose life. For death brings absolutely no reward. Satan on the other hand, only want to steal, kill and destroy all that God has made. Thank God that you have had the opportunity to read this post.

Truth is blessing, life, light, love and all that is good!
Lies, on the other side, is destructive, out of hate for what is good, and it surely destroys and kills the good in life if we allow it.

If you are expecting and longing for blessings, do what God tells you to do, you will automatically get it. And stay in truth until you get it. I pray that all will reap the fruit of truth.

Just make this one decision in your life, and that is to stop telling or speaking lies. 
The only way to realy stop fearing man, will be to give your life to God Almighty and exepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior. Then you will know that God will protect you, no matter what!

If you are scared, just say "Jesus Christ" out loud, and the devil,fear, will flea.

God Bless you, In Jesus Name


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